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More Floriography

Here are a few more pages from my floriography book.

I found this little forget-me-not poem in one of the old books of poetry I picked up for a dollar from the school book fair, and thought it was perfect for adding to my page with forget-me-nots from my garden.

This is a page that I did in my art journal a while ago.

I have collected a few books over the years on ‘The Language of Flowers’ and find it interesting that most of the flower meanings have remained consistent over time, their interpretations drawn from myth and history. However, there are a few that differ from book to book. It would be interesting to get hold of an original one from the Victorian era to compare with the modern books.

I love that Olive Dunn, in her book ‘Delights of Floral Language,’ has started her own floral language list with no sinister meanings, as she found some of the meanings repellent in the old books.

I believe that flowers speak to us with their colour, beauty, uniqueness, and their life force, touching each of us in different ways. I think that all flowers are beautiful, but I know that, for me, certain flowers evoke a particular emotion or bring to mind certain words. I am drawn to them by their colour, associations, or folklore, and the joy that they add to my life. I’m sure that if each of us were to compile our own personal ‘language of flowers’ list, they might make for some interesting reading and comparisons!



15 thoughts on “More Floriography

  1. I love flowers too!! So beautiful and yes, each has its own story. Some are strong and sturdy while others are delicate. Such a gift you have to think more deeply about what they bring into our life! 🙂 Love all the photos!


  2. I’d love to have a garden with lots of flowers, as you have Christine. However, we live near the coast in NSW where the ground is either rocky or clay or both. We are also on a slope, so soil washes down in the rains. We made a terrace, built a garden frame, & for the last 8-9 years, I’ve tried all sorts of flowering plants in it & in pots without success. Almost the only ones that grow are native shrubs.

    As a result, we have lots of bottlebrush, grevilleas, banksias & other Australian native trees. We also have lots of spotted gums, several other gumtrees, she-oaks & a huge bush mahogany. It means we have a lovely shaded yard, lawns, gardens with smaller shrubs, bromeliads, etc, & at the front, a few ferns protected by the shrubs & trees & curtains of Spanish moss. Up the back we’ve left an uncut area for native wildlife – seed-eating birds like Eastern rosellas, butcherbirds that follow the mower to get the bugs that are flushed out, lizards, spiders, snakes and such. We don’t see many of the latter 🙂 . We do have lots of nectar-feeding Rainbow lorikeets in the native trees & bushes, as well as many more bird species that visit continually.

    The only plants that do grow well are geraniums, & this summer, I have planted cuttings in various beds around the yard where they get the sun. They will settle in over winter & should grow well once spring returns.

    I have a book similar to one of yours. Mine is “The Country Diary of a Victorian Lady”, which has lots of flowers & birds, & is probably another that was produced at the same time. 🙂


    1. It is a shame that you are not able to grow flowers where you live, but your garden sounds beautiful with all the native shrubs and trees. You would definitely need the shade with the heat you have there! I love that you’ve left an uncut area for native wildlife. It must be wonderful seeing the rainbow lorikeets and the lizards visiting your garden. I dream of one day having a garden big enough to plant lots of trees to attract our native wildlife.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Such beautiful art! I love the beautiful Forgetmenot poem too plus the flowers of course! You made great pages, absolutely gorgeous! And what a great collection of books indeed. You must be a flower fairy too, haha! I think we speak the same language 😉 Blessings and enjoy the beauties!


  4. Flowers for me bring back memories. Primroses remind me of my dad as when I was a child my sister and I would accompany him round the fields at lambing time and the primroses were out in force along the banks of streams. Dahlias make me think of my Auntie June who gave us bunches every late summer, that she grew in her garden. All wild flowers in general remind me of my Mum as she taught me the names of most I know. Xx


    1. I love that flowers bring back such wonderful memories for you. Marigolds always make me think of the house I grew up in, as Mum planted them in the garden there every year, and wallflowers remind me of my granddad as they were his favourite flower.

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  5. Wow, your pages are stunning! I love the forget-me-not poem too, so beautiful 😁. I enjoyed seeing all your books and I think it’s amazing how much joy and emotion flowers bring us. We started replanting our flower bed last year and I’ve loved seeing the different flowers bloom and grow, they bring me such happiness! What fun – I’m now going to look up some of the meanings of the spring flowers that we have blooming at the moment too, thanks so much for the inspiration 😀. Enjoy the rest of your week! J 😊 x


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